Non-Academic Formation Programs

A. Spiritual Formation

As a Catholic school, the spiritual formation experiences of our students are important components in CSPS. Living up to the Peterson Core Values, our program provides a Transformative Education even in online and blended learning modalities. We will be including in our curriculum the Peterson core values and would have opportunities for character formation into the schedule. We will continue to have morning prayers, meditations, and reflections.

B. Guidance Service

These challenging times for our young learners call for keen attention to their well-being. Guidance Classes will play a pro-active role in caring for the students, especially their mental health and wellbeing. They will be available online for emotional support. With the Able – Hybrid Learning Modality, our guidance program will continue to provide the following services:

  • Routine interview
  • Online Consultation Services for individuals and groups
  • Guidance classes that will cover topics such as mental wellness activities that families can do at home, internet safety and responsible digital citizenship

C. Student Activities

These co-curricular activity experiences may be both face-to-face or online done in synchronous and asynchronous ways. These student activities are not just intended to develop the students’ level of competence in other areas of interest but also nurture their development.

D. Homeroom Time

As we pursue Able – Hyflex Learning Modality education, now more than ever, the school continues to highlight the important role of the teacher in the character formation of students. Teachers will continue to live out the Peterson core values and empathy as they monitor student well-being by leading and preparing their classes at the start of the day and monitoring the progress of their students. The Level Coordinators will closely coordinate with students and, as needed, with their parents  in giving reminders, following up requirements, and scheduling consultation requests, among others.

E. Code of Discipline

The massive opportunities offered by new technologies and the internet also call for a strong moral compass in our students. As they take advantage of these opportunities, it is important to instill discipline, demand good character, and oversee their growth as cooperative, responsible, honest, and respectable persons. The feedback mechanisms regularly available to the parents and guardians will help the school and home achieve that. As a guide, a code of discipline that adapts to the new mode of delivery will be implemented this year.

F. Social Concern and Involvement

Despite the absence of a face-to-face outreach programs, our commitment to make students socially responsible remains strong. Online service-learning sessions and activities related to social involvement will be available to our students, and integration of these values to other subject areas will be made.